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Funding Jonathan Worthington to work on Perl 6 is proud to announce to fund Jonathan Worthington to work 50 hours on Rakudo Perl 6.

Jonathan will work on the following two tasks:

Improving the ThreadPoolScheduler

Currently it will quickly bump up the number of worker threads even if it could get by with just a handful of them, which increases memory use quite notably. That keeps us from raising the hard maximum; doing that would allow us to reduce the risk of deadlock, which is also highly desirable. While this is one of those tasks where a vast amount of time could be sunk into tuning, 15-20 hours here should allow for a notable improvement from where we are today.

Refactoring the way supplies apply back-pressure and concurrency control to work with the non-blocking await in 6.d

The importance of the non-blocking await in 6.d is that it allows for writing things like:

    start {
        my ($x, $y) = await async-operation-a(), async-operation-b();
        do-something-with($x, $y);

Without having to worry about the `await` actually blocking up a thread. Once we're at that point, you could have many thousands of running `start` blocks, most of them at an `await`, and schedule them over just a handful of OS threads. That makes things like conquer/divide much easier to write; today you can quickly overwhelm the thread pool and end up blocking. I already implemented the the heart of non-blocking `await` (plus non-blocking `react`) and you can get it with `use v6.d.PREVIEW`.

However, since code can move between threads at the point of an `await`, this is not something that can safely be done when a lock is held by that code (since then the lock would be released on the wrong thread, which is very bad). At the moment, it actually tries to do that, and then the VM catches what happened and complains. Unfortunately, the Supply concurrency control is expressed in terms of such locks today. While a "if a lock is held, do a real blocking await" approach would be fine (and something I'd like to put in), it'd also mean non-blocking `await` can't really be used in a bunch of places one would really want to use it. Thus, the internals of Supply will need to switch to a different approach (some kind of "async lock").

A decent bit of headway on this can be made with the time left after the work on the thread pool scheduler.

You can help, too

If you want to see Perl 6 getting more awesome, you could also fund Jonathan or donate to the Perl Foundation or Enlightened Perl.